Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."Isaiah 30:21

Lord, please help me discover who I am to be.
For years I was a daughter, granddaughter, student, friend;
then I was a wife. The student wife became the nurse.
The nurse became the caretaker.
The caretaker then became a mother.
The mother and caretaker became the teacher.
Always trying to be a friend. Filling my days with the love and passion that comes from you. I had it all figured out... or so I thought. Serving in our church and community, I felt your guidance and your pleasure. Never have you left me in joy or in pain.

Now, I find it is time to rediscover myself. Who am I? Where am I going? What do I need to be about? Prayerfully there will be many years ahead. Plant your vision in me, please.... "For what does it matter if I gain the world and lose my soul." Indeed, it matters. Is it possible for me to bumble through this life and miss it... Please give me a clarity and a vision for your purpose. Give me the strength, energy, passion and devotion to accomplish it. For my friends and family I ask for this same direction and guidance...Help us all bring You here until we are all home again with You...May we have the peace of knowing we walk with You.


  1. Mops, that's deep and straight from the core of your heart. I'll sit with you (via internet of course), and hold you up in prayer until your answers come.
    Where there is a deep, deep calling, there is a deep, deep to resond.

  2. You'll find your way, because you are seeking it. Prayers sent your way.

  3. Thank you so much guys. :) Isn't it funny how when we are younger sometimes everything seems clearer, more black and white. We are also searching for a new church home. The last 5 years with home schooling and Mom sick I worked every weekend. 7p-7a, then 7a-7p. I know He has never left me and understands but it is time to pick up my life again.

  4. Dear sweet friend,
    The re-discovery of self is quite a journey. You will find your way. I concur with Gaston (Jane). It is in those moments we ask earnestly, that we receive.
    Are you done with finals? How are you doing? Let me hear from you. I'm a click away. You can always hit my profile and email me too. Remember, there is not a spot, where God is not.


Thank you so much for visiting :) Y'all come back now...