Friday, March 6, 2009

Now This Won't Hurt A Bit...

Don't you believe it ! And if a nurse tells you it will be "uncomfortable" for the hills.
As a parent it really is best to let your child know truthfully that something will hurt. However, that said, I am not above bribery.
Four year old vaccinations are the worst. They are old enough to understand whats coming and frightened enough to fight it. My answer was to promise a gift of some kind...i.e. " the bribe."
As the shots were being given I would hold their hands and have them look into my eyes...not at the needle...yikes. We would repeat over and over... mermaid barbie, mermaid barbie, mermaid barbie...The nurse would capitalize on this moment of intense concentration and desire and quickly and efficiently administer the shots.
There are times when life is so intense... it's kinda like getting life's shots.
This is when we look up, hold on tightly and repeat...
I must have faith, I must have faith...I must have faith....

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised that I am not seriously unhealthly... the many times you promised (and gave) me icecream after these shots. I must say though, it was worth it!


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