When we bake cookies I learn to measure, clean and serve...
When we deliver meals for the elderly I learn compassion....
When I help with my siblings and household tasks I learn responsibility...
When I explore nature my curiosity for the world expands...
When I build and play I learn that work can be fun,
When I have idle time I daydream and plan...
When I read my imagination takes flight...
When I worship I learn I am part of something so much bigger than me...
Teach me these things and I become... Measured, Compassionate, Responsible, Curious, Playful and Imaginative...
A Dreamer who believes I am part of something much bigger than myself and this world is not all about me.... But about me making a difference for eternity...
When we deliver meals for the elderly I learn compassion....
When I help with my siblings and household tasks I learn responsibility...
When I explore nature my curiosity for the world expands...
When I build and play I learn that work can be fun,
When I have idle time I daydream and plan...
When I read my imagination takes flight...
When I worship I learn I am part of something so much bigger than me...
Teach me these things and I become... Measured, Compassionate, Responsible, Curious, Playful and Imaginative...
A Dreamer who believes I am part of something much bigger than myself and this world is not all about me.... But about me making a difference for eternity...