Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Queen of Scream....

I started my new job this past Monday!
I am now working with our local teaching hospital's pediatric clinic!
I have a job!!!
Full-time not prn!!!
In a month our benefits will begin!!!

So let me introduce you,
to the new "Queen of Scream!"
What, you may ask is that?
Hmmm, well, let me explain...

To ensure all our little young-uns grow up healthy,
we must inflict a little pain...
hemoglobin and lead checks,
bilirubin and pku...
Heel sticks, finger pricks and shots...

Sometimes our babies are sick,
they need a little check up and medicine.
A little cloudy, yellow pee,
A little swab up that runny, green nose,
or down that beefy, red throat.
( Only a nurse could love those adjectives!)

Sooo, I am the one with the...
pee cup,
catheter tray,
or iv...

Don't hate me...
I do it 'cos I love you!
I have prizes....

Just a little secret between you and me,
I hate shots too!
No prize is worth a needle in your leg or
a lancet in your finger....

It's for your own good...
So, close those little eyes...
Yes, mom you too.

Don't peek...
It'll all be over in just a sec.....
And ,
I have these really cool prizes...
And tissues for moms tears....


  1. Ouch you brought memories of my childhood

  2. Congratulations! I am really excited for you.

  3. SO glad you're working again; the pediatric world was at a lose without you, I'm sure.

  4. Aw...congrats on your new job! Peds nurses are the best!

  5. Your new job is wonderful news! Your story reminded me of my oldest son's shot incident.

    When he was four he had to get a round of shots and was not happy about it. While our backs were turned in the little exam room, he took off running. We found him a little later, locked in the men's bathroom. A friend had to go crawl under the stall to get him out.

    Shots stink! But Lord knows we need 'em sometimes.


  6. Wow, Deanna,
    I have a huge admiration for a nurse who is truly able to take care of our sick children and those we need to keep healthy. That is one area of nursing I know I would flunk! You have just become my nurse hero!


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