Thursday, March 11, 2010

In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired." ~Author Unknown

"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. " ~Irish Proverb

I hope so; I really do 'cos I'm plum wore out.
plum wore out.

While this semester in school has been very enlightening,
it has also been exhausting!

I have thoroughly enjoyed the professional development portion.
Very eye opening....
( why does there always have to be a but)
an additional eighty hours of clinical 
over and above forty hours of work 
has produced 
a ragged nurse, 
a stressed out student,
a pathetic mother,
an absent wife,
an erractic blogger,
and a woman who is just plain tuckered out.

I have started a new blog
(in all my spare time).
It's for my nursing informatics class but I find it fascinating.
It's called Nurse's Watch

It is a blog devoted to the relevancy of blogging to nursing;
I get to visit all kinds of nursing blogs and try and figure out why nurses blog.
This is oh so fun and enlightening.

So that's about all. 
Bye yall.

"If by gaining knowledge we destroy our health, 
we labour for a thing that will be useless in our hands."
  ~John Locke



  1. Dear Deanna,
    I sure hope that with Spring coming that you get rested up and aren't tuckered out. It's the pits to stay run down for very long.
    God Bless,

  2. Thank you d, I'm trying to hang in there...Please, please pray.


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