Friday, August 21, 2009

The Invisible Blogger...

I am sooo sorry to all my bloggy buddies.
I am still here...
No, right here...
No, not there,
right across from you,
yeah, there...
Partaking at the dinner table of blogville.
Only you can't see me...

I am the...
da da duhhhhhhhh...
Invisible Blogger.

Hiding behind the sunglasses,
wrapped up in a really good book,
suited up for fashion and fun,
gloved in sunblock,
masking my lily white, aging, invisible self...
covered up at the beach!

Yep, I'm still here...
Can't you see me?
Oops, sorry, I forgot,
you can't see me,
hence all the wraps, clothes, glasses, gloves...

Seriously, though,
please do not hurry to find a cure.
This is just a little too fun...


  1. We're all invisible in bloggy land to a degree, aren't we?

  2. You're a smart one! I sometimes wish I had been more anonymous!!!!


Thank you so much for visiting :) Y'all come back now...